Activate Now

To activate your DogTrac ID Tag, type in the 8 digit ID number on the back of the tag.

Report Your Dog Missing

If you have lost your dog, you can report it missing to by signing into your account and selecting 'Missing Pet Admin'. You can then flag your dog as missing.

Sign In

Report Missing Features (Premium protection accounts – free for the first year)

  1. Download a Missing Pet Poster
    Instantly download a missing pet poster with yours and your pet's details. Print and share this locally.
  2. Report your pet missing to your local PetWatch community
    • Automatic lost pet notifications (email and SMS) are sent to your local Pet Watch community to notify them your pet is missing.
    • Get text and email alerts if your DogTrac tag is scanned and where possible a link to a map showing where the search took place.
    If your pet goes missing, sign in to your account and report it missing immediately. Simply select 'Missing Pet Admin' next to the pet that has gone missing. You can pinpoint exactly where your pet went missing by entering a location, or dragging the marker on the map to the last place you saw your pet, for example if you were out walking. You can zoom in on the map to increase the accuracy.

    Once reported as missing, an alert will be sent via email and text to everyone in our PetWatch community up to a 5-mile radius from where you pet was lost to help get your lost pet home fast. It's like a lost pet poster on every local street corner immediately.

    When you are reunited with your pet, please remember to mark your pet as found within your account.

    You can also:
    Always keep your details up to date

    If your pet is found by a dog warden or welfare, and they cannot contact you, they may destroy or re-home your pet within 7 days. It is vital you keep your details up to date to ensure you can be contacted quickly and efficiently if your pet goes missing.