Activate Now

To activate your DogTrac ID Tag, type in the 8 digit ID number on the back of the tag.


Frequently Asked Questions

Lost / Found a Pet FAQs

Q. What should I do if I lose my pet or it is stolen?
A. You can report your pet missing from within your account. Click the link below to find out more.
Lost a Pet > Back to top
Q. What should I do if I find a pet with a DogTrac ID Tag?
A. If you have found a pet with a DogTrac ID tag, please click the link below to find out how to contact the owner.
Found a Pet > Back to top
Q. What happens if the freephone number on my DogTrac ID tag is called?
A. The caller is asked to say or type the 8 digit code on the tag. The call is then routed directly to your number(s). You can add up to 3 numbers.

The number that calls you will always display as 02036 950148. Add this number to your contacts as DogTrac to ensure you answer the call. Nearly 80% of people never answer calls from unknown numbers. Losing your dog is an emergency. Don't take the chance of ignoring the call, add 02036 950148 as DogTrac to your contacts now.